The Belize National Library Service and Information System (BNLSIS) would like to take this opportunity to reassure the Belizean public that we are implementing all precautions, as directed by the Covid-19 Task Force, at all our branch and community libraries. While we understand that the pandemic is affecting the world, we continue to encourage the importance of reading. Online educational resources are available at: https://www.bnlsis.org/onlineresources
In this regard, and to support the most vulnerable sector of our community ...
- we are now extending the lending policy to one month for the period March to May, as a temporary measure.
- Seniors can now borrow up to four books for one month. This can apply to other patrons, but will be considered on a request only basis after the requisite approval from management. In all cases, patrons should have a clean history of borrowing to qualify for this service. This advisory is temporary, and may be reviewed for greater efficiencies if deemed necessary.
- Please contact your nearest public library for more information on borrowing books for the entire family.
- Libraries will remain open until further notice, and as from Wednesday, 25 March, 2020, all libraries will close at 5:00 p.m. The library will be closed on Saturdays.
We are aware of various concerns regarding the safety of our personnel, and the implications that the closing of schools has on libraries. We are hopeful that parents are responsible and adhere to the stay at home directive by the Covid-19 Task Force.
All those persons who do tutoring at any library are advised that, even though the library remains open to the public, tutoring will be suspended. This is in keeping with our adherence to social distancing, and is necessary as we try to ensure the safety of our staff; and in particular the well-being and safety of our patrons and our country.
We thank you for all your support, and encourage you to be safe during this global crisis.